Sergeant Colin Faust
Sergeant Colin Faust joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 2009 and was deployed in 2010 with USMC 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment to Sangin, Afghanistan. On October 15, he stepped on an Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and suffered life-threatening injuries. His left leg was amputated, his pelvis was broken, and his left arm and right leg were severely injured. Medical treatment began in Afghanistan and Germany, and further care followed in Maryland, Minnesota and Texas. MMAF was honored to award a $10,000 grant to Colin, which he used to remodel his home. “I use a wheelchair 90% of the time when inside my house, and having the proper modifications meant the world to me. My life is a lot more difficult than the normal person and the bathroom remodel made my life a whole lot easier,” said Colin. He continued, “I am a humbled and appreciative recipient. Accepting something like this grant is tough for me, as I typically do not like help in any way from anyone. That being said, the MMAF grant was one of the most incredible things anyone has done for me in my life.” Today, Colin is working toward his business administration degree at the Crown College in St. Bonifacius.