Minneapolis VA Hospital
The Minneapolis VA Medical Center (VAMC) is a teaching hospital providing a full range of patient care services with state-of-the-art technology, as well as education and research. Comprehensive health care is provided through primary care, tertiary care, and long-term care.

Minnesota Department of Health
This website was developed to provide resource information and/or links for numerous programs and services across Minnesota. The Department of Health is committed to increasing awareness of public health services in order to assure the needs of our soldiers and their family members are being met.

Minnesota Revenue Services
Service Members are eligible for tax credits based on time spent in a combat zone. Follow the link to find out about more information on this or other services from the State of Minnesota.

Minnesota Military & Veteran Exchange
MNme is your portal to military community connection and helps you find which organizations, providers, and advocates you can get support from.

Lutheran Social Services
Lutheran Social Service of MN offers a broad range of confidential services to veterans, service members and their families, including mental health and financial counseling, debt management, meals, caregiver support and housing. Services are available statewide, and are offered in-office, in-home or on the phone whenever possible.

Veterans Guide
The mission of Veterans Guide is to assist veterans with the array of issues they may face, including obtaining proper disability compensation, financial assistance, information on the GI bill, and more.

Surviving Deployment
This site provides articles, links to books, news, and other resources that benefit military families that are trying to cope with the deployment of a loved one.

Minnesota Military & Veterans Museum
National challenges resolved by military institutions have shaped much of our collective state and national experience. The documents, artifacts, images and stories of how Minnesotans, in uniform and at home, willingly served their state and nation in war and peace help honor their memory. The Minnesota Military and Veterans Museum inspires future generations through the exceptional stories of Minnesota’s citizen soldiers.

Bravo Zulu House
Veteran sobriety is the #1 barrier to successfully treating PTSD. The VA confirms that 75%-90% of all PTSD sufferers abuse drugs and alcohol. Lack of sobriety is the biggest roadblock to helping these veterans. Even more tragic is there are virtually ZERO all-military sober homes in Minnesota. That’s why the nation’s leading sober home operator (Trinity Sober Homes, founded by Colonel Father Martin Fleming) created Bravo Zulu House, in Southern Minnesota, Martin County.

Wiggle Your Toes
Aaron Holm and his dedicated team built Wiggle Your Toes so others could not just get by, but live life to its fullest. Through personalized support, practical answers, resources and tools, Wiggle Your Toes helps amputees in Minnesota and beyond keep looking and moving forward.

Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota
Approximately 40,000 Minnesota National Guard and Reserve soldiers have been called to active duty, resulting in thousands of children who have been directly affected by deployments. Children affected by these changes need support and friendship more than ever, support that mentors can provide.