MMAF has thanked service members all across Minnesota with grant checks sent to over 800 municipalities, covering every county in the State.
Our Mission is simple:
To say “Thanks” to Minnesota service members and their families.
Minnesotans’ Military Appreciation Fund (MMAF) is a statewide fundraising initiative by the citizens of Minnesota, for Minnesota military personnel and their families. Launched in August of 2005, MMAF is a non-partisan, non-political, 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. The mission of MMAF is to say “thanks” to Minnesota service members and their families who are making sacrifices in defense of our freedoms in combat zones around the world.
MMAF provides cash grants to Minnesota service members who have served in a combat zone since September 11, 2001.
There are three levels of grant awards:
- $5,000 to the families of Minnesotans killed in combat
- $2,000 – $10,000 for Minnesotans who have received a Purple Heart, with the amount based on severity of injury
- $500 to Minnesotans who served in a combat zone
Since our inception, our volunteers and service partnerships have made it possible for more than 90 percent of donations to go directly to Minnesota service members in the form of grants.
MMAF shows our troops how much we appreciate and respect their service to our country. The mission of MMAF will continue until all of our Minnesota troops come home.
During these unprecedented times, MMAF will continue to send grant checks to Minnesota’s service members on a bi-weekly basis. We appreciate those who continue to support MMAF as we share our message of “THANKS” with cash grants.

Since our inception in 2005, MMAF has awarded over $13.4 million in grants to nearly 20,000 recipients.
Minnesotans’ Military Appreciation Fund (MMAF) is a statewide non-profit and non-partisan fundraising initiative that shows our troops how much we appreciate and respect their efforts by providing cash grants to all Minnesota service members who have served in combat zones since September 2001, and to the families of fallen service members.

Minnesotans’ Military
Appreciation Fund
Grant Application
Grant Application